(Not so) Stupid Question 323: What is AvaloniaUI?

When I was pregnant I went to a conference in Malmo and watched a session by Mark Rendle and his daughter (maybe you’ve seen the video interview I did with him afterwards?). He covered some of the reasons why he is excited about .NET, and why he won’t be leaving .NET anytime soon. He mentioned a framework he was excited about, AvaloniaUI, and I remember making a mental note to check it out later on. Well, pregnancy, baby and all that and I finally got around to it a few weeks ago.
AvaloniaUI is a cross platform UI framework that is XAML based. It is currently still in beta, and therefore not production ready, but it is worth keeping an eye on, and why not try it out? I’ll put together a tutorial next week (or so) sometime- I’m in the middle of a move with a sick partner, a 10 week old baby, part-time working (as a developer of course) and finishing a book. Busy times :S
I’ll update the post with more information later, I just want to get the video out before I go to bed- I’m very tired.
Watch the video here- and yes, my editing is cringe-worthy :D
Last modified on 2019-02-18