(Not so) Stupid Questions 314: Should the header be Referrer or Referer?
Well, I’m at the hospital and waiting for the second dose of morphine. It’s a long story therefore question first, short personal update afterwards :)

When we do requests and responses using the HTTP protocol, we send headers as key-value pairs. While you can define any header, there are a few standard headers that you can use. One of them is the ‘Referer’ header which contains the address of previous webpage. But how come its spelled Referer?
Shouldn’t it be RefeRRer?
In short, when the specification was written it was misspelled, and it stuck around. Watch the video for more on the topic, and some additional fun-facts about today’s popular keyboard layout, the QWERTY layout.
Personal update:
The short version is that I got a kidney infection and an enlarged kidney (not uncommon with pregnancy). I’m 38 weeks today (pregnancy week 39). The pain is insane, and for two weeks I’ve been unable to sit or stand, and nothing seems to ease the pain. I have a hard time telling if I have contractions or not, as the back pain overshadows everything. Therefore, another short stay at the hospital to hopefully find some pain management that works.
Anyways! Instead of scrolling through Reddit for hours on end I might as well do something distracting that I enjoy, for example sharing my never-ending ‘stupid questions’. Here is one that I filmed a few weeks ago, but never got around to posting as I ended up in hospital before and after the Öredev conference. I recorded a new intro for the video that I added.
Last modified on 2018-12-09