Week 38-2013 Video and Stupid Question 241-242: With an overwhelming amount of information how do I pick, and how do I make it 'stick'?
Please notice that I had to change my YouTube account - make sure that you subscribe to the new account. As I recently was inspired to get back to a hobby of mine - video/film editing- you can expect some more videos that are more or less experiments :) I’ve changed the Ask Iris series to just the ‘Week X’ series as the title Ask Iris just seemed somewhat arrogant , in a way indicating that I know everything. I hope to inspire, maybe even help, by sharing my personal journey as a developer, week by week. Please do still send questions, I love them! I’m up to a few emails everyday with questions, and it makes my day :)

Week 38 - last week, was a rough week on a personal level (I’ll get back to that another time) but work wise it was really good. I finally got in a good flow programming, and as the application I’m working on is taking shape I’m feeling confident in the code I’ve written - and excited to keep on writing. This is very welcome after a few months stagnation where I felt like I didn’t improve at the rate I wanted to. I also did a session at Codesse (Skype) That went really well, and the event was one of the best I’ve been two. Mostly because of the good spirit, and because I got to see some friends I really enjoy hanging out with that live in Stockholm.
During the Q and A we got a few questions, one of them was how to know what to use to learn new things, with the amount of information available to us. I had also received an email earlier that week asking me how do you remember things you have learned. In the Week 38 video I explain how I would do, and how I do it. And I only touch briefly on the remembering question- but I will cover that in detail with as always practical information later. Its just how I do it, and as always it might not work for you, and if you share what works for you we can together give other people that have no idea how to start plenty of ideas :) So share!
Any feedback on the content, AND feedback on editing of the video (and audio) is more than welcome. I messed up the greenscreen and cut my right hand out at the end and the mic rubbed against my shirt a few times. I’ll make sure to avoid that next time. The editing is just for fun, so the intention is not to make it look ‘real’ - maybe when I get better at it :P
Video was actually recorded and exported at really high res, but as always YouTube compacted it and messed up the quality. I’ll figure out the best export settings, if you know- please share :)
Thank you! I actually have the perfect course for you, my dear friend Miguel Castro recently published a big course on Pluralsight on how to create an end to end SOA app. http://pluralsight.com/training/Courses/TableOfContents/building-multi-client-end-to-end-service-oriented-applications Shawn Wildermuth has one on creating a web app from start to finish: Building a Site with Bootstrap, AngularJS, ASP.NET, EF and Azure http://pluralsight.com/training/Courses/TableOfContents/site-building-bootstrap-angularjs-ef-azure If you want to learn more about web development, .ASP MVC4 in particular then Scott Allens course is the best I've seen on the topic (all his courses are great). http://pluralsight.com/training/Courses/TableOfContents/mvc4-building John Papa has many great courses on SPA apps, courses are not end to end, but cover a lot! http://pluralsight.com/training/Authors/Details/john-papa If you are into Windows 8 development then you shouldn't miss Gill Cleeren's course Building A Real-World Windows 8 Application Architecture Using MVVM http://pluralsight.com/training/Courses/TableOfContents/building-real-world-windows8-application-mvvm You can have a trial if you don't have a Pluralsight account, or contact me and I'll get you a one week voucher. Pluralsight recently acquired Trainsignal and Peepcode, and I know they also have quite a few courses. There is also Build an App with Corey Haines by cleancoders.com You pay per video, and the videos are very creative and different from Pluralsight videos.Two different ways of learning, I've used both successfully :) http://cleancoders.com/category/build-an-app Hope this helps, let me know how you go!
Szuper! Thanks for the help. I'll look into them. I will tweet you for the plural sight voucher. :D woohooo
Hey Iris, I don't even know where to start but I just wanted to tell you that I love your work. I've been in this business (development) for some 30+ years and you just blow me away! I love your attitude, your whereabouts as well as your self confidence. Development is significantly better because of people like you part of it. Your videos are awesome and I *totally* love your hair. All that being said - I've already learned a thing or two from you and will continue to. Thanks for sharing and making yourself a part of this world community. Your overwhelming generosity is totally refreshing! You definitely have a gift! You Rock!! best regards, Bill44077
Last modified on 2013-09-24