Windows 8 Release Preview (release candidate) and Visual Studio 2012RC available for download

Windows 8 Release Preview
Good news for me, and fellow techies that are fond Microsoft products. Windows 8 Release Preview (release candidate) and Visual Studio 2012RC are now released, and I couldnt be more excited!
Download Windows 8 release preview here
Download Visual Studio 2012RC here


Remember that you need to install the Win8 Release Preview to install VS12RC if you are planning n using win8, but VS2012RC does work with Windows 7 :)
If you get this error:

“The .NET Framework installed on this machine does not meet the minimum required version: 4.5.50501.”
Then you should go to settings –> PC info –> Windows edition and check which version you have. You need the win8 release candidate, it wont work on the earlier release, the consumer preview.
If you were to try to update to .Net 4.5 you probably got this error:
“Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is already a part of this operating system. You do not need to install the .NET Framework 4.5 redistributable.”
I got it running on consumer preview this way: 1. Download the .net 4.5 installer and run it with /x to extract it. 2. Go to the extracted folder and open ParameterInfo.xml. 3. Remove anything between and 4. Start setup.exe and install.
After watching the installer with Process Monitor, I've found a workaround: Run regedit.exe. For 64-bit Windows users, go to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full For 32-bit users, it should be here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full You'll need to change the permissions before you can edit anything. First, change the owner to Administrators, then assign the Administrators principal with Full Control. Finally, simply change the value for "Version" to "4.5.50709". After that, I was able to get the installer to complete and Visual Studio appears to run just fine. For Change Regedit Permission you have to do it. Here are the steps I did to grant the permission: 1. Open the Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows. Right click on regedit.exe and click Properties. 2. Go to Security tab page and click Advanced button. 3. Click the Change (from the second line - Owner) and in the following textbox write Administrators and click OK. Click the Apply button from bottom right area. 4. From the users list select Administrators and click Edit. Grant Full Control and Save. Apply. 5. Make sure all changes are applied. 6. Now, right click on regedit.exe and Run as Administrator. 7. Navigate to the path described by Eric and right click on the Full folder and click for Permissions. 8. Go to Advanced area (click Advanced from the bottom) and make sure the Owner is "Administrators" and not "TrustedInstaller". Otherwise, make the change, give the "Administrators" user full control and apply the settings. 9. Now you should be able to change the version number. 10. After all these steps you can run the Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate installer. Hope this might help ;) Copied from : and It works for me. I have Windows 8 Release Preview. and after fixing the regidit entry i can install the vs 2012 ultimate ...
hi everyone i installed vs 2012 and when i want to run it, i got this error: could not load file or assembly presentationframework version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. also when i installed vs 2010 i got this error. i have windows 8 32 bit. please help me. thank you very much
Last modified on 2012-06-01