My Bachelor Thesis VI: page-count trouble

Our bachelor thesis, ALMOST finished Time to get serious again. As I mentioned earlier, the thesis is quite long. We (me and Cecilia) had to keep it within 10-15 pages long, something we thought that we had accomplished. This was until earlier this morning when I read through the instructions again. Surprise! Apparently table of contents, abbreviation list and the references are a part of the page count! Are you serious I thought? Apparently it is not a cruel joke, because I asked the professor about the reference list on Friday., so it’s probably the same with the rest. Unexpectedly we had four pages more than allowed. I did some hefty cramming of text today. Its one juicy energy dense candy (‘like a punch in your stomach’ - Cecilia emailed me an hour ago). It is a jaw-breaker, no breathing room allowed. A lot of work, but it’s down on 15 pages now. The abstract is also finished, 270 words on the word count (limit was 300) both Swedish and English version. Table of contents and abbreviation list is also finished. Tomorrow we are meeting our opponents so they can give us some feedback on what we have written so far. Afterwards we need to fix our tables and figures, edit text, and appendixes. Pew, no more surprises I hope, I can almost sense the finish line! read more about my journey: My bachelor thesis
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Last modified on 2010-03-28