What if I suck? Confessions of a WTF contributor by Iris Classon
Today I received fantastic news, something I’ve been waiting for since…well, since before ‘all that happened’. The biggest weight I’ve ever had on my shoulder has been lifted and I’m excited to have almost made it to the other side. This year, 2016, my dear, is going to be awesome. I just know it. I will share the details when the time is right, but for now I’ll like to kick of the rest of my life by sharing a session I held at theSoftware Craftsmanship Conference (it was awesome, I highly recommend it!) a few months ago. The underlying message is, enjoy the journey more than the destination- and learn and laugh at your mistakes.
[SCNA2015] What if I suck? Confessions of a WTF contributor by Iris Classon from 8th Light on Vimeo.
Please do notice that the majority of the comics are drawn by one of my biggest comic crushes, Matthew Inman (also known as oatmeal). I did email him in regards to using the drawings (referenced) but I’m sure he is drowning in fan mail as is and I didn’t hear back. I highly encourage you to get the books (I have them all), and DO have a laugh and a read. My favorite of all times:When your house burns down you should brush your teeth. *Tear inducing warning
Last modified on 2016-03-01